Современные медиа– механизмы и средства убеждения
https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.24511617.ms.2015.63.505Słowa kluczowe:
медиа, убеждение, идеология, идеологема, манипуляция, общественное сознание, публицистический дискурс, зомбированиеAbstrakt
Mass media are active participants of the political and economic processes, and therefore have an impact on the formation of meanings and opinions. Media are represented as a system of stereotypes of mass consciousness which are known as ‘ideologemes’. One of the most widespread and effective forms of the concealed influence on the conciseness of the audience is a manipulation with terms and images. Influence, which advisedly misleads the recipient, appears on three different levels: individual, group and mass. Media of the authoritarian and, especially, totalitarian regimes have much more influence on the free choice of civic position, differentiation of social groups, their confrontation and struggle.
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