The topic of climate change in Polish media coverage on the example of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference
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COP26, UN Climate Change Conference, media, climate changeAbstrakt
Climate change is one of the most critical global issues, engaging not just researchers and activists but also members of the power elite responsible for political decisions. A key annual event for discussing the challenges of climate change is the UN Climate Conference. Its 26th edition, held in Glasgow in 2021, received widespread coverage in both traditional and online media, earning the moniker “last chance summit.” This article presents a study on the media portrayal of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26). Concept: The research focused on news published during the Conference in three primary TV news broadcasts (“News”, “Events”, “Facts”) and on the main pages of three internet news portals (Interia, Onet, WP). Results: The study found that COP26, while competing for media attention with other significant events (such as protests against anti-abortion laws and the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border), was featured by all surveyed media organizations. Additionally, each TV news outlet, through actions like sending reporters to Glasgow, and each online portal, through initiatives like participating in Greenpeace-organized events, emphasized the conference’s importance.
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